Wool Carpet Tiles

Wool Carpet Tiles

Wool carpet tiles are a popular choice among homeowners with children and pets. Those who want to avoid unsightly stains and spots can choose to install carpet tiles as opposed to full layers of carpeting. This allows you to remove only those areas that need to be replaced. Of course, wool is a very easy to clean and hard to stain material. It resists most of the stains that can cause other carpets to need replaced. Still, if you select wool carpet tiles you can easily remove the tiles when needed for thorough cleaning and leave the rest of your room intact. Wool carpet tiles today come in many different colors, designs and patterns and are available from a number of different manufacturers. Installing them can be done easily if you follow directions and you can install them yourself and save the cost of paying for a professional carpet installer.

How to Install Tiles

When installing wool carpet tiles it is important that you begin on a clean surface. You can install them on the top of hard flooring or subfloors but you will need to remove other carpeting before beginning. It is recommended that you begin from a center wall and work towards a center wall. Be certain that the tiles are fitting together snugly and that the nap of the carpet is going in the same direction on all of your tiles. There are a number of brands that place arrows on the back of the tile to give you directions on which way to place them.

Why Wool is Better

Wool carpet tiles offer a number of benefits over other carpet tiles. First, wool is naturally biodegradable, hypoallergenic and is a renewable resource. It is much easier to clean and maintain than other materials and is resistant to a number of stains, spills and liquids as well as soil and dirt. It is also naturally fire retardant and is simply much more comfortable than cheaper materials. In addition, wool gives you an added level of insulation on the floor which will make your floors cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. This can also help you to save money on your overall energy costs.

Wool Carpet Cost

The actual price that you will pay for wool carpet tiles depends on many different factors. Where you buy them, the size of overall coverage that you need and the specific style of carpet as well as the manufacturer or brand all have a direct impact of the cost of wool carpet tiles. On average, wool carpet costs around $5 per square foot. Of course, this cost can be more or less depending on any of the above mentioned factors. The best way to find out the cost is to visit a few carpet retailers online or offline and get an overview of price ranges. Compare these different prices from various retailers to get the lowest possible cost for the wool carpet tiles that you need for your home.

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